A meeting was held to defend the dissertation of Ms. Anoush Amirabadi, a general medicine student.
A meeting was held to defend the dissertation of Ms. Anoush Amirabadi, a general medicine student.
Thesis defense session of Ms. Anoush Amirabadi, a general medical student, entitled "Study of changes in lipid profile and its relationship with clinical consequences of burn patients admitted to patients in Velayat Hospital in 2020” was held on 22 November 2021 at 13:00 with attendance
Jury members:
Supervisor: Dr. Mohammad Reza Mobayen
• Second Supervisor: Dr. Arash Zamini
• Consulting Professor: Ms. Mojdeh Esmeilzadeh
• Member of the jury: Dr. Raheleh Sheikhi
• Jury member: Dr. Arman Parvizi
• Member of the jury: Dr. Siamak Rimaz
• Member of the jury: Dr. Sohrab Aghazadeh
• Member of the jury: Dr. Reza Zarei
• Member of the jury: Dr. Rasoul Tabari
It was held at the Burn and Regenerative Research Center of Guilan University of Medical Sciences.