The presence of the research and technology team Burn Scientific Supermacy In the ninth international congress of wound
Dr. Mohammad Reza Mobayen was honored in the honoring ceremony for exemplary researchers and researchers of Giulan University of Medical Sciences.
Defense sessions for theses and medical proposals were held in October 1401, in the conference hall of the Burn and Regenerative Medicine Research Center.
Win a gold medal at the Geneva Invention Festival in the 48th edition of this global event
Webinar "Proposal writing, original designs and reference writing" was held
Collaboration of the Burn Society Center with the Pasteur Institute of Iran and the Research Center for New Technologies in Cardiovascular Diseases
A symposium on new plans and ideas was held at the Burn Research Center and Reconstructive Medicine of Guilan University of Medical Sciences
A one-day conference on burn management, prevention and treatment was held at Isfahan University of Medical Sciences
With the efforts of the futurology and futurism research branch of the Iran’s national burn injuries hub (Guilan University of Medical Sciences’ Futurology Association), a webinar on "Applied and Team Review Writing" was held with the maximum attendance.
Announcing the readiness of the head of the Iran’s national burn injuries hub for the treatment of advanced burns
A proposal defense meeting of medical students was held.
Secretary of the Asian peripheral Nerve Transplant Association visited the Burn Scientific Supremacy of Iran
The research methods and clinical trials in the field of Regenerative Care were reviewed.
A meeting was held to defend the dissertation of Ms. Mahdieh Teymouri, a general medicine student.
A meeting was held to defend the dissertation of Ms. Anoush Amirabadi, a general medicine student.
Achieving the second place in the country in the 10th Burn Congress
The 5th International Congress of Biomedicine was held with the brilliance of Iranian universities among international organizers
The presence of the research and technology team Burn Scientific Supermacy In the ninth international congress of wound
Dr. Mohammad Reza Mobayen was honored in the honoring ceremony for exemplary researchers and researchers of Giulan University of Medical Sciences.
Defense sessions for theses and medical proposals were held in October 1401, in the conference hall of the Burn and Regenerative Medicine Research Center.
Win a gold medal at the Geneva Invention Festival in the 48th edition of this global event
Webinar "Proposal writing, original designs and reference writing" was held
Collaboration of the Burn Society Center with the Pasteur Institute of Iran and the Research Center for New Technologies in Cardiovascular Diseases
A symposium on new plans and ideas was held at the Burn Research Center and Reconstructive Medicine of Guilan University of Medical Sciences