Achieving the second place in the country in the 10th Burn Congress

Achieving the second place in the country in the 10th Burn Congress


Burn and Regenerative Research Center of Guilan University of Medical Sciences won second place in the 10th International Burn Congress.


The 10th National Congress of Burns of Iran was held virtually in Mazandaran on 28 to 30 October 2021.


The structure of the Congress consists of Dr. Seyed Abbas Mousavi (Chairman), Dr. Majid Saeedi (Deputy), Dr. Mohammad Hossein Hesami Rostami (Scientific Secretary), Dr. Akbar Hedayatizadeh (Executive Secretary) and Dr. Abdolreza Jafari Rad (Deputy Executive of the Congress). It is worth mentioning that the burn core team participated in this conference with 16 titles of articles and posters.



Article title


Dr. Mohammadreza Mobayen

Investigating of the effect of Albumin supplement administration as a prognostic factor for mortality among patients with severe burns


Burns and their complications are one of the problems of the health system in developing countries, which always imposes high health, medical, economic, social and health costs on these communities. Holding this congress in the form of a webinar focusing on inhalation burns was able to provide a space for exchanging up-to-date information with other researchers.


In this congress, which was held virtually in Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences; 10 studies presented by the Center for Burns and Regenerative Research Center had the highest attendance rates. It is worth mentioning that the general focus of this activity was to investigate the predictive effects of various factors on burns, epidemiological studies in different age groups.



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Last Update date : Nov 27 2021 11:40